This classic play paints a poignant picture of life on one of the world's most isolated islands. The story revolves around a young man who returns to the island and convinces a factory owner to set up shop there. As the play unfolds, the audience becomes immersed in the islanders' world and their well-kept secret.
The first half of the play might come across as slow, but the second half is gripping and intense. The acting is consistently strong, and the lighting effectively sets the mood.
However, there are a few aspects that could be improved. The stage setting could better convey the island's environment, making some scenes difficult to follow. Additionally, while the vocal performances are beautiful, they don't always align seamlessly with the story. Lastly, the portrayal of Mr. Hansen's affection towards Mill could have been more subtly communicated.
Overall, this is a good play that provides an enjoyable theatre experience. With some minor tweaks to the stage setting and vocal performance, it has the potential to be even better.